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Map Window

One Map Window appears for each satellite being tracked. The tracking displays are synchronized (to the time displayed in the Main Window). However, certain options and functions may be independently selected for each map.
Each map has the following components: A colored world map ("equirectangular" projection - not Mercator!) with linear degree scales along both latitude and longitude; Grid lines, spaced every 30 degrees in each direction; Satellite position marker (small circle); and Observer position marker (larger circle with dot in center). The colors of some of these features can be changed from the Main Window Setup:Colors menu item.
Optional features include: Ground track (a trail of solid dots representing previous satellite positions); Footprint; secondary satellite marker (square symbol); Other observer locations (two groups); Solar illumination (a sun icon, representing the subsolar point, and a line representing the terminator or twilight locus).
At the bottom of the map is a strip showing some tracking parameters - next AOS, azimuth/elevation from the observer; satellite latitude, longitude, altitude; and doppler shift.
To create a new Map Window, use the Windows:New menu option in the Main Window.

Map Window Menus

[NOTE: In earlier versions of the documentation, I referred to the Map Windows as "Tracking Windows". I have found this to be confusing, since the Info Window was also called the "Tracking Info Window". If hardware is connected, the satellite being physically "tracked" is controlled not by the Map Window, but by the Tracking Info Window. Hence the new designation: "Map Window".]

Display and Window Overview

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