
Transponder NEWS Charts 33/96 (18.8.96)

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Transponder NEWS Charts 33/96 vom 18.8.96 (Red./editor Stefan
Hagedorn)	------------------------------------------------
Programm	Bemerkung	Date	Frequenz	Video	Audio
ASTRA 1 A-F, 19,2 Grad Ost E					
SES Promo-Video	aufgeschaltet	24h	10.862 H	PAL	diverse
multiThematiques	Abschaltung	8/96	10.847 V	PAL	7,02-7,20
Cinedom (DF1) *	Aufschaltung	8/96	10.847 V	MPEG2	digital
RTL 4   *    	cease analogue	8/96	10.759 V	PAL	7,02-7,20
RTL 5/WiS  *       	cease analogue	19.8.	10.936 V	PAL	7,02-7,20
Rad. Netherlands1	Abschaltung	8/96	10.936 V	RADIO	7,74
Rad. Netherlands2	Abschaltung	8/96	10.936 V	RADIO	7,92
tm 3- Frauen TV	Aufschaltung	1.9.	10.936 V	PAL	7,02-7,20
Veronica 6    *   	cease analogue	19.8.	10.744 H	PAL	7,02-7,2
HitRadio Veronica	cease analogue	8/96	10.744 H	RADIO	7,38-7,56
Nonstop-Musik	cease analogue	8/96	10.774 H	RADIO	7,74-7,92
Cinedom (DF1) *	aufgeschaltet	24h	10.817 V	MPEG2	digital
TV 1000  *      	has ceased service	15.8.	11.303 H	D2MAC	Kana1
Sky Two   *    	will start programm 1.9.	11.303 H	PAL	7,02-7,20
GSkyB-Trailer  (*)	scramble "soft"	15.8.	11.244 H	PAL	7,02-7,20
Sky Sports 3  *	has started regular	16.8.	11.244 H	PAL	7,02-7,20
Sport 7 Netherland	has started regular	18.8.	11.875 H	MPEG2	digit
Nickelodeon D  	Aufschaltung	12/96	11.612 H PAL	7,02-7,20
Nickelodeon D	Abschaltung	31.12.	10.714 H	PAL	7,02-7,20

EUTELSAT II-F3, 16 Grad Ost E					
art 5 (Kingdom)	without kingscreen	24h	11.638 H	PAL	6,60
Qa'im Channel	new times: fri-sun	20-21h	11.163 H	PAL	6,60
EUTELSAT II-F1/Hot Bird 1, 13 Grad Ost E					
VH 1 Export  * 	aufgeschaltet	24h	11.241 V	MPEG2	digital
Viacom (*)	alle Sender codiert	24h	11.241 V	MPEG2	digital
Viacom   	Bloomberg uncod.	24h	11.241 V	MPEG2	digital
tm 3 - Frauen TV	will cease service	31.8.	11.347 H	PAL	7,02-7,20
Telepiu-Paket (*)	will start service	01.9.	11.347 H	MPEG2	digital
TST 1 (Telepiu)	Sound ceased	17.8.	11.283 V	MPEG2	digital
VIVA ZWEI	Teletext gestartet	16.8.	10.972 H	PAL	7,02-7,20
ital. Radiosender	Testsendungen	sporad  	11.301 V RADIO   	7,38-7,56
TELE X, 5 Grad Ost E					
Nordic dealer-info	first feed on tp 26	15.8.	12.207 lz	PAL	7,02-7,2
SIRIUS, 5,2 Grad Ost E					
Viasat Promovideo	Sendeausfall	17/18.8.	11.785 rz	PAL	7,02-7,2
INTELSAT 707, 1 Grad West W					
Nordic dealer-info	parallel to TELEX	15.8.	11.667 V	D2MAC	digital
INTELSAT 705, 18 Grad West W (former INTELSAT 515)				
INTELSAT 705	a new bird on air	12.8.	diverse	PAL	6,60
MED TV       	is back/new times	16-24h	11.075 V	PAL	6,65
INTELSAT 601, 27,5 Grad West W					
CMT Television	Abschaltung	??	11.168 V	PAL	6,60
France Telecom	testcard is back	15.8.	11.093 V	PAL	6,60
HISPASAT 1 A+B, 30 Grad West W					
Canal + Espana (*)	appear/disappear	daily	12.632 H	PAL	6,60
Tele 5 Espana	in PAL clear	15.8.	12.632 V	PAL	6,60
Antena 3 TV Spain	in PAL clear 	15.8.	12.673 V	PAL	6,60

*  codiert/encrypted    (*) clear windows

Meldungen, Informationen & Anmerkungen senden Sie an folgende Adresse: 
For suggestions, information and questions please send a eMail to 
Stefan Hagedorn, DXStefan@aol.com  - CompuServe 100702,350
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This piece of news is from sat-stefan-tab provided by TELE satellit
(c) 1996 by editor

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