
Sat-Hungary: 30th September

SAT-HUNGARY  1997., szeptember 24.

Szeptember 30-tol MTV 2

	Ha minden a terveknek megfeleloen megy (nem jon kozbe semmilyen
muszaki akadaly, akkor szeptember 30-an, unnepelyes keretek kozott, az
Eutelsat igazgatojanak, valamint szamos magyar allami vezeto jelenleteben
inditjak el azt a feladoallomast, mely az MTV 2 musorat adja az Eutelsat
Hot Bird 3-as muholdra. Ez egyuttal a muhold indulasat is jelenti, mert
a magyar MTV 2 az elso musor, mely megjelenik ezen a holdon.

	Ugyanezen a napon (szinten unnepelyes keretek kozott) inditjak be
az uj televizios adoberendezeseket, melyek a ket uj kereskedelmi
televiziot sugarozzak.

SAT-HUNGARY  24th September 1997.

MTV 2 to start on 30th September

	If everything goes as planned, the new Hungarian uplink station,
which will uplink the Hungarian Television's MTV 2 will start its normal
operation on 30th September. A ceremonial event will be held on this
occasion, where the director of Eutelsat will be present as well. This
event marks the start of Hot Bird 3 as well, as MTV 2 will be the first
channel to appear in this satellite.

	On the same day (and on the same occasion) all of the new
terrestrial transmitters of the two new Hungarian commercial television
networks will be started.

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